I am finally starting on my Spring SWAP. This is my first revision and I am delighted to share it with you.

I have changed the wardrobe pieces and made a few other pattern changes. Hopefully using three pieces from the same section in January 2008 BWOF will satisfy the Timmel SWAP wardrobe requirement. I am thinking I’ll sew the dress as well.

Speaking of, I still haven’t made a purchase from Julie and that means my storyboard might change again. I would rather use dark brown denim instead of dark wash for this SWAP on the HP trousers so maybe I’ll find something at Timmel. I need some of their coral knit and hope it isn’t sold out.

I *love* the January edition of BWOF! I’m working on the wrap as we speak and should post my review very soon.

Hope you have a great week!

  1. I love the colors – springy but not super-bright, if that makes sense.

    I also recall that Julie said that BWOF would not work for a wardrobe pattern – it has to be an envelope pattern.

  2. Thank you for letting me know Julie’s previous decision as I hadn’t meandered over there just yet tonight.

    I have a backup plan since there are so many wardrobe patterns to choose from!

    I am in love with that jacket and determined to un-petite it.

    Thanks so much!

  3. I love all your fabrics – what a great SWAP! Julie said something in her email this morning about the deadline had passed for making your purchase from her. Not sure – I am way too unorganized to sew a SWAP but love looking at everyone elses.

  4. Peggy, this is so weird. You wrote to me and I read it, my heart sinking. Boo hoo. That’s what I get for being otherwise occupied throughout February. The next email was a company accepting a proposal I had pitched last month. I can’t believe it! Large sport surface manufacturer!!! WOO! HOO!! Funny how things work out. I’ll still try to complete the PR wardrobe at least, but I’m going have to hustle. 🙂

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